
Clarkson College is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities to otherwise qualified persons with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (as amended, 2008) defines a person with a disability as any individual who: 1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, 2) has a record of such an impairment, or 3) is perceived by others as having such an impairment. In this commitment, the College will provide reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified individuals provided these accommodations do not: 1) fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the programs, services, or activities at the College, 2) cause undue burden to the College, or 3) pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others.

Procedure for Students Seeking Accommodations

The student must initiate the process of requesting accommodations by contacting the Accommodations Coordinator via email or phone at 402.552.6285. The Accommodations Coordinator will respond within two business days informing the student of the next steps. The student will receive a “Student Release Form” to complete and return to By law, the student will also need a physician’s note specifying the requested accommodations. This paperwork must be sent directly to the accommodation’s coordinator from the physician office.

If a student does not have any documentation, the student is still encouraged to contact the Accommodations Coordinator. The Accommodations Coordinator will then determine what documentation, if any, is needed. Documentation is seen as a bridge between the student’s self-report and the Accommodations Coordinator’s judgment. When there is a gap in understanding, documentation is often needed to determine reasonable accommodations. Reasonable accommodations depend upon the nature and degree of severity of the disability. While the ADA requires that priority consideration be given to the specific methods/accommodations requested by the student, it does not imply that a particular accommodation must be granted if it is deemed not reasonable and other suitable techniques are available.


Once adequate documentation is received, the Accommodations Coordinator will determine eligibility for accommodations, and if eligible, what accommodations are approved. This will be communicated to the student, and if accommodations are approved, the student will receive a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) documenting his/her approved accommodations.The Accommodations Coordinator will send a copy of the approved Statement of Eligibility (SOE) to the student, program director, and if applicable the Testing Center Coordinator.  As of Fall 2022, it is the student’s responsibility to share proof of the approved accommodations to their faculty. Concurrently, the student is strongly encouraged to initiate communication with his/her faculty. If the student has been deemed ineligible for accommodations, the student may appeal this decision by contacting the Accommodations Coordinator who, in turn, will forward this appeal request to the Accommodations Committee.

If the student needs any changes in accommodations or wants to discontinue accommodations, he/she must contact the Accommodations Coordinator immediately via email or by phone at 402.552.6285.

Timelines for Accommodations

Accommodations are varied, and therefore, the amount of time required to provide accommodations to students also varies. Given that, the following guidelines were established to inform students of the amount of time it may take to arrange for one or more accommodations.

Housing for Students Living on Campus

For information regarding accessible housing for students with disabilities, please contact the Housing Coordinator by email at

Housing applications are due by June 15 for the fall semester and are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Returning students who need accessible housing should submit their returning room selection request during the months of March and April.

Accessible Parking on Campus

Clarkson College does have designated spaces for students needing accessible parking. Please contact the Parking Office at 402.559.8580 for more information.


The disclosure of any disability is considered confidential and will be treated in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Information released to other College employees will be done on a need to know basis and only after the student has signed a Release of Information form.


A brief list of often needed and approved accommodations are:

  • Extended Exam/Quiz/Practical Time: 150% (time and a half)
  • Reduced Distraction Space for Testing
  • Testing in the Testing Center
  • Tests and Quizzes Administered on a Computer
  • Paper-and-Pencil Test (Versus Online)
  • Priority Scheduling for Check-Out and Simulation Assessments
  • Use of a Calculator for Mathematical Calculations
  • Extended Time on Assignments*
  • Flexibility with deadline
  • Allowance for breaks/leave class
  • Additional Tutoring assistance
  • Noise canceling headphones
  • Allowance for breaks/movement
  • Scratch paper

For a full list of ADA Accommodations please visit Introduction to the ADA.

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Accommodations Office
PH 402.552.6285   TF 800.647.5500
FX 402.552.6058